Tag Archives: Garrett Jamieson

Cover Reveal for Under the Spotlight.

Happy news! We’re one step closer to getting you the third book in the Jamieson Collection, Garrett’s book, or more specifically, Under the Spotlight. Here’s the cover!

Under the Spotlight

After an embarrassing stint on a reality TV music competition years ago, Riley Parks vowed never to sing again. Now she’s working at the prestigious Sound Sync recording studio and life is looking up. But then Garrett Jamieson, the oldest brother in the famous band Jamieson, crashes into her world.

Garrett has hit rock bottom and is desperate to reinvent himself. After calling in a few favors, he ends up working at Sound Sync Studio to learn the ropes of record producing. And he can’t believe his luck when he discovers that Riley is an amazing singer. But Garrett is forced to use every trick in his arsenal to persuade Riley to record.

Sparks fly as Garrett finally meets his match. Dealing with the feisty redhead ranges from frustrating to thrilling, and in the heat of the moment, one stolen kiss changes everything.

Under the Spotlight releases May 5, 2015 from HarperTeen.

Deadlines and a Little Bit of Crazy

It’s done. Almost.

On Demand!The third book in the Jamieson Collection, the one about Garrett and his latest antics, is days from being turned in to my publisher, HarperTeen. I’ve been thinking about this book for over a year and writing it for eight months. I wish I wrote faster, but it takes as long as it takes.

I promised Garrett’s book (I call it that because I no longer like the working title I gave the publisher) to my editors next week. But now in these last hours, I’m getting a little bit cray-cray over when to actually send it to them.

I should have my final copy ready by the end of Monday, but if I send it Monday night, my editors probably won’t read it right away.

Tuesday is April Fool’s Day, so I really don’t want to send it then because I fear it will somehow be taken as a joke.

Wednesday is Hump Day. Who wants more work unloaded on them on Hump Day?

Thursday is close to the weekend, so if I send it then, I’ll just have to wait that extra day for them to read it and tell me what they think.

I could send it on Friday, but then do I need to keep laboring over the manuscript the whole week? What if I ruin the book by over analyzing every sentence, page, and scene?

As you see, this is serious, hard-core decision making. Maybe I’m losing my grip on reality by even thinking of all this. Perhaps I need a vacation. YES! But I’m not getting one for a while. So I will comb through the pages all weekend long and labor over when to send in my new baby.

The good news is that for all those people asking and begging for Garrett’s book, it is truly happening!

Garrett’s Book releases May 2015.

In the meantime, watch for Royally Lost on May 6, 2014!

Life of a Writer – Procrastination

I’m nearing the end of my current manuscript. This is a very good and very bad thing. It’s good, because this book is what I affectionately call Garrett’s Book. I’ll let you know the real title in a month or so once it’s been finalized. And it’s bad because while this book has been great fun, it has also been a huge pain in the butt. Garrett Jamieson is a handful and he needs a strong girl who can handle him. I love this story and those who have had a coveted sneak peek have loved it too, but it’s not done. It’s close. It’s painfully close, but I’m struggling with a couple of sections.

loose manuscript

So what do I do? I procrastinate. This book is due to my editor in a matter of weeks. A lot needs to happen in those weeks, but instead of trying to churn out these challenging scenes, I’m avoiding. Don’t let anyone ever kid you, writing is hard! Sure, sometimes it’s an absolute blast and taking pictures of my books in bookstores is awesome, but trying to fix plots and make sure this book stands up to reader expectations can make me want to run away screaming and get a job at Walmart. Okay, not that bad, but close.

Once I get those elusive scenes nailed down, I need to go through the book a few more times to fix really important things like the heroine’s last name. I don’t like what I gave her. It’s boring. She needs a kick-butt name, but I haven’t figured out what it is. And I have to decide if she has one of those little diamond nose studs. Does she like tattoos? Does she have any? So far no, but maybe she needs one. Should the receptionist be named Tara or Maya. I have her both ways, which will really confuse readers, so I need to settle on one. And then I need to fix some of the band names I made up. When I’m stuck with things like this, I might make something up or ask readers on my Facebook page for suggestions. One reader gave me the band name idea of Origami Frogs. It’s hilarious, but I don’t know that it will make the final cut. Sorry.

My most often asked question is will Garrett get a book. Yes, he will. He is. But it’s not quite done. It’s close. And now, maybe I’ll go find something to eat, or paint my toe nails, or stare out the window and wonder if the snow will ever melt.